
לתיקון אלמנ חופה (1)

A special tikkun for a person who is about to marry a widow. The sefarim hakedoshim recommend performing this tikkun as a precautionary measure, using 160 coins of pure gold and in a quorum of ten mekubalim.

Tikkun Almanah
(tikkun for a widow about to remarry)

800 ILS

התרת קללות (1)

A unique segulah and tikkun for a person who is concerned about curses and/or ayin hara. The ritual follows the age-old tradition and is performed by one of the mekubalim who attaches special kavanos to the process.

Removing Ayin Hara

400 ILS

פדיון נפש (1)

A tikkun performed by ten mekubalim along with the Rosh Yeshivah. In a specific order based on the method of the Chida, 160 coins of pure gold are divided, and the pidyon nefesh text is recited. Each participant then receives the monetary worth of two meals ($20 per person). This tikkun is known to achieve tremendous yeshuos, such as sick patients healing, and more.

Pidyon Nefesh
(for all needs)

800 ILS

שובבים (1)

It is a known concept that every time a person sins, he should fast 84 times to atone for his transgression. Our generation, however, is too weak for this to be possible, and the great mekubalim have therefore instructed to fast one day each week throughout the weeks of Shovavim instead. Special Shovavim prayers are held in the yeshivah in addition to these fasts, following the teachings of the Rashash and the Chida who instituted specific tikkunim for these auspicious days. The tefillos are recited for atonement for the severest sins, as well as for both communal and personal yeshuos, based on the requests of the donors. The yeshivah hall regularly welcomes hundreds of people who gather there to recite the tikkun together with the rashei yeshivah and gedolei Yisrael. Many of the participants travel from overseas to partake in the special event. If a person cannot physically join or fast himself, he can send his name and the names of his family members to the rabbanim to perform the tikkun and pidyon on their behalf instead.

To download the newsletter

Tikkun Shovavim
(said in particular weeks of the year)

180 ILS

Tikun Pitum Haketores – as Protection from the Pandemic

180 ILS

פד תעניות (1)

ידוע שעל כל פעם ופעם שאדם חוטא צריכים להתענות פ"ד תעניות, ובדור הזה ירדה חולשה לעולם, ואי אפשר להתענות בכל פעם. לכן תיקנו חכמי המקובלים להתענות ים אחד בכל שבוע משבועות השובבי"ם. בהיכל הישיבה מתאספים בקביעות מאות אנשים לאמירת התיקון יחד עם ראשי הישבה וגדולי ישראל, ישנם רבים המגיעים מעבר לים להשתתף במעמד הנשגב, ומי שאין ביכולתו להשתתף בפועל או שאינו יכול להתענות, שולחים את שמותיהם ושמות בני משפחתם בכדי שהרבנים יערכו עבורם את התיקון והפדיון.

Pidyon Pey-Dalet Taaniyos
(84 fasts)

180 ILS

כותל המערבי (1)

One of the rabbanim of the yeshivah will travel to the Kotel every single day, for 40 consecutive days, to daven on behalf of the donor for whatever he needs as specified in his request form.

40 Days at the Kotel

50*12 = 600 ILS

ה אב 1 (1)

The 5th of Av is the yahrtzeit -or Hilulah – of the Arizal. On that day, all the mekubalim and rabbanim of the yeshivah travel together to the gravesite of this father of Kabbalah, the Arizal, where they daven with many tikkunim and yichudim for the yeshivah and all of Am Yisrael, and especially for the donors and their needs. A special tikkun is then also performed at the gravesite of Benayahu Ben Yehoyada, circling the kever seven times – a holy procedure in its own right in the world of Kabbalah, and once again all the donors are mentioned in prayers for their success and happiness on all fronts. Finally, another prayer ritual on behalf of the donors is conducted at the famous gravesite of Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai.

5th of Av Prayer at the Gravesite
of the Arizal

לכל הפחות 180 ILS

Tefillas HaShlah at the gravesite of the Shlah on erev rosh chodesh Nissan

לכל הפחות 180 ILS

נר להנצחת נפטרים (1)

Mekubalim will recite Kadish and azkarah and study Mishnayos for the neshamah of the decased throughout the entire first year after his/her passing.

Commemoration of a deceased loved one: Level 1

2800 ILS

נר להנצחת נפטרים (1)

Mekubalim will recite Kadish and azkarah and study Mishnayos for the neshamah of the deceased every day throughout the entire first year after his/her passing. After that, they will commemorate the yahrtzeit (anniversary of the passing) every year for ten years with Kadish and Mishnayos. A reminder of the yahrtzeit date will be sent to the deceased's relatives.

Commemoration of a deceased loved one: Level 2

3400 ILS

נר להנצחת נפטרים (1)

Mekubalim will recite Kadish and azkarah and study Mishnayos for the neshamah of the deceased every day throughout the entire first year after his/her passing. After that, ten talmidei chachamim will commemorate the yahrtzeit (anniversary of the passing) every year until the coming of Mashiach with Kadish and Mishnayos. A reminder of the yahrtzeit date will be sent to the deceased's relatives.

Commemoration of a deceased loved one: Level 3

4800 ILS

התרת קללות (1)

A unique segulah and tikkun for a person who is concerned about curses and/or ayin hara. The ritual follows the age-old tradition and is performed by one of the mekubalim who attaches special kavanos to the process.

Hataras Klalos
(invalidating curses)

400 ILS

תפילת השלה למגיפה (3)

סגולה ותיקון מיוחד עבור מי שמרגיש צורך שיערכו עבורו התרת קללות המקובל ע"י מסורת מיוחדת, נעשה ע"י אחד המקובלים ובכוונות מיוחדות ונשגבות

להורדת התפילה

תפילת השלה להנצל ממגיפה